Ernesto, they say, is back in earnest.
Regaining his strength, heading NNW.
Set for a fight; ready for a bout:
Straight for the Cape? Lookout!
Battering Hatteras, the thin little bloke.
Smoting lonely Ocracoke.
Buffeting Buxton, and raising Sea Level.
Packing a punch fit to Kill Devil.
Imagine the surge, the fury, the dread.
Taking a Whalebone to the old Nag’s Head.
Making great Waves and delivering a Salvo.
Watch out for Ernesto.
Watch that you don’t get caught in his whirl.
To the Avon lady: take cover girl!
To the folks of the North Banks: Duck!
To the rest of you’all: good luck.
Your poetic re-entry into the blogosphere floods the imagination.
Posted by: Ned | Saturday, September 02, 2006 at 04:21 PM
Has there yet been a Hurricane Ned?
They've named 'em from A to Zed.
Posted by: Remainderman | Thursday, September 07, 2006 at 08:12 AM