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Thursday, February 23, 2006



A brilliant idea, either poor but affirmed or rich and without care. I have never held hope that I might ever be paid to write, but to be paid not to write has possibilities. I might start with something I am sure I can get more people to back, such as the "Stop Ned from Talking" fund or the "Stop Ned from Commenting" organization. I must give this more thought, I am annoying enough to become filthy rich! And no one thought I would amount to anything. Ha!

Gone Away

If a herring and a half costs three haypence, how much does a herring cost? Not until you have answered this deep and philosophical question am I prepared to seek out the touted donations facility.


Ned & Gone Away --

You are both, of course, perpetually exempt from this suggestion of donation, by virtue of your longstanding & invaluable support of us, humble, poor, starving, garrett-dwelling Contributors.


You have a garrett? Oh man, I would kill for a garrett. I thought I was doing great when I beat out that bag lady for the gutter. Wow, a garrett.


You're right -- a garret is a bit toney and upscale these days.

FOR RENT: Northshore studio garrett. Nice. $2500 a month.

Gone Away

.oO(I notice all shy away from my question. And I thought I had chanced upon one of the dwindling few who understand just what a haypence is. You may call me a cockeyed optimist...)


Gone Away --

Your math problem challenges the Anglo-challenged. But, I would venture that, on your facts, a herring would set one back a pence.

Gone Away

And you, sir, would be right! True learning is not dead, it seems.


That would appear to be a red herring (still one pence a piece, though).

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