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Tuesday, February 21, 2006



You know, I would give you hints and strategies for increasing traffic, but you are so much better than I am, my natural selfishness nearly holds me back. I say nearly, because what really keeps me from encouraging you to seek traffic is that every new visitor who reads and then leaves without commenting adds not just to the hit counter, but to the overall feeling of futility that stalks the blogger.

Still, I can't help thinking you could build a devoted readership. Not a large one, mind you, because there aren't enough intelligent people on the internet and there are dwindling numbers of those who can even read. But a handful of readers who appreciate good writing is better than a world of those satisfied with the latest news on Britney Spears.

I would personally recommend your site to others but my unpopularity would yield unfavorable results. Perhaps it is better you stay as you are: good, honest, pure. The seeking of traffic destroys the pure soul.

Gone Away

Ah, a thoughtful comment from one who sailed past 10,000 visitors long ago. She's right, you know - there is nothing that brings comments like comments sent abroad. Cast your bread upon the waters, dear sirs!

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