Gentle visitors, soon we'll be off to the beer festival. Poor waterlogged Palinurus -- much the connoisseur and gourmand in other respects -- has been known to imbibe that which makes our fond bud none the weiser.
Thus, we will take him along and go in search of something for what ales him, something to make him stout-hearted, something for the working man in him -- the porter, the lager, the pilsner (though not the miller). We might introduce him to a brown or a blonde -- a tall frothy glass that would make his former drink pale -- or to the mysteries of the Weeping Radish or the Dogfish Head. Who knows? We may lead him up a hidden kriek and discover the fabled pulchritudinous pulque.
Who knows? But, in any case, we will update this post thereafter, provided we have our wits about us.
*** UPDATE ***
Ah, how grand and vivifying it was. The Old Dominion brewers at hand; an Old Dominion stogie clenched between the teeth; several men in kilts -- one, sensibly, in cotton (given the heat) but of a clan-neutral tartan. Go figure -- have the Scots went and gone neutral?
And -- delight -- your humble Contributor had discourse with the Mr. Tupper himself -- a definite, though less rotund resemblance to a Father Christmas (beard and all) with a strong suggestion of microbrew geek. "God," he said, "Has spoken to me only once -- I mean really spoken -- and he said, 'Tupper: there are those who taste beer and there are those who make beer. Tupper, you are the former." Thus instructed, Tupper and his lovely bride -- who apparently owns a preternatural palate -- went on to taste a few thousands brews to derive their recipes for ale and a latecoming pilsner to be rendered by the hands of those latter-mentioned fermenters of malt.
We must thank God for speaking to this man.
An intoxicating post. Indeed I had to click the Weeping Radish link many times before I sobered up. Of course, sad produce often makes me weep, but this radish opened up a whole different view for me.
Posted by: Ned | Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 08:38 PM
Try not to be bitter about my non-attendance...
Posted by: Gone Away | Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 10:15 PM
No need to draught comic, calembouric commenters.
Posted by: Remainderman | Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 08:35 PM
Punny, ain't it? Still ain't got no radishes though.
Posted by: Ned | Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 10:23 PM