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Sunday, March 20, 2005


Gone Away

I'll never get it. My Englishness prevents me ever understanding the lure of baseball. Oh, you can point at cricket and laugh at its slow and ponderous format (four days for a match) and I'd agree. But baseball...?

In England it's a game called rounders and schoolgirls play it. :D


It took some time, but now Gone Away is asking for an altercation.

Uniformly (no matter which uniform) those who have questioned the virtue of baseball are either 1) homeless, 2) in prison, 3) deported, 4) not living right, 5) unhappy with themselves, or 6) fond of curling.

Since you are still newly arrived, we will give you a pass, so long as you promise to see as much baseball as you can this year.

Sadly, Oklahoma has no major league teams, but you could probably find some minor league play or even the local "pony" league.

If you are not thereafter converted, then you'll have to find your place among Nos. 1 to 6, above.


We love Gone Away, but we may need to change his name to Gone Too Far. I can add nothing to remainderman's fine post on the sublime beauty of the game, or his comment to Gone. I can only wish that baseball games, like cricket, went on for four days at a time.


By jingo, I think Gone sees the emp is running amuck stark naked. At least that's the way it will look from the hammock out on the deck, if and when it warms up out there.


I am not sure the folks 'round these parts are sufficiently recovered from the last season and feet are still having trouble touching the ground. There is a certain lightness to the step now that the curse of the Bambino has been lifted.

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